Celebrating 70 in Augusta!

The Augusta Symphony has spent a monumental 70 years bringing the sounds of seasons, time periods, and special places across the world to Augusta, Georgia. After a robust 70th season, we cannot imagine a better way to close this year than to honor the place we call home: Augusta, Georgia. Join the Augusta Symphony at the iconic Miller Theater on May 3, 2025, as we bring the 2024-2025 Symphony Season to a close with “Celebrating Augusta,” a concert honoring all the people, places, moments, and history that make our town so special. 

 What does Augusta mean to you?

Augusta has been the pinnacle of the Central Savannah River Region since 1736 and remains an area rich in hospitality, diversity, culture, and warmth. The beauty of humanity abounds in this larger-than-life town, and we want you to show us just how you celebrate life in Augusta. From murals to restaurants, stores to sports, outdoor recreation, and a year’s worth of annual community celebrations, Augusta brings joy to community members from all walks of life.  

To showcase what Augusta means to you, we are asking you to submit photos—from nights out on the town, events like Arts in the Heart, Juneteenth, Fourth of July parades, Pride, the Masters, shows and concerts in Augusta’s own theater district, and every moment in between. Send us your memories so that we can highlight them above the orchestra during the concert, displaying them on a 440 square foot screen for all the audience to appreciate. “Celebrating Augusta” is about celebrating all that make this town what it is—mainly, it’s about celebrating you!  

“Celebrating Augusta” will feature photographs you submit choreographed onto a giant 440-square-foot screen above the orchestra. It’s a collaboration between you, the Augusta Symphony, and our guest artist, Nicholas Bardonnay of Westwater Arts. The music you’ll hear to accompany this extraordinary new work is William Grant Still’s Symphony No. 1.

Photo Release

I understand and agree that I retain ownership and unrestricted use of all my photographs that are submitted to the Augusta Symphony for possible inclusion in a multimedia 70 Years of the Augusta Symphony. I hereby grant the Augusta Symphony the irrevocable right to use these submitted photographs, without limitations or compensation and as they deem appropriate, when the use is related to the promotion, performance, documentation, and any potential future performance of 70 Years of the Augusta Symphony I have obtained all needed rights and clearances to use the photographs I am submitting and assume full legal and financial responsibility for the same. I will retain copies of my photographs PRIOR to submission to the Augusta Symphony. I agree and fully understand that the copies of my photographs (including digital files) submitted to the Augusta Symphony will not be returned. I also fully acknowledge that my submitted photographs may or may not be included in the finished 70 Years of the Augusta Symphony. For all submitted photographs, Augusta Symphony may also crop, color correct, and adjust images to fit the needs of 70 Years of the Augusta Symphony. 

IMPORTANT: If I want photo credit, my first and last name (and/or organization name, if appropriate) will be in the digital filename of each submitted image (e.g. “FirstName_LastName_1.jpg” or “Organization_1.jpg”)

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Upload Your Image

Photo Specs

  • JPEG or TIFF file format

  • Minimum resolution 3300 x 2200 pixels (higher-res is preferred)

  • Smartphone, scans, and DSLR photos are all welcome

  • No watermarks on photos

  • Color images preferred for present-day material

  • All photos should be from Augusta and the CSRA region

  • Format for image file names: FirstName_LastName_Photo#

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